Sunday, 11 November 2007


"There are no dress rehearsals in life. Everyday you don't work toward pursuing your goals is another day you're delaying the fulfillment of your dreams. Go for what you really want today; you don't want to look back on your life with regret. "

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Black Wednesday

Another Black Black Wednesday. Everything seems to be wrong and i happen to be in it at the wrong time. *maybe it is because i have not sleep the previous night, trying out the tutorials before the classes* phew. Seriously, it was a frustrating day for me as i found it hard to catch up with what the lecturer was saying in front of the class.

ARGGHHHH~~!!!!Felt like punching someone at that point of time. Aren't lecturer suppose to be thorough and make sure that every student or at least majority of them understand his/her lecture? Its funny when the lecturer is just trying to finish the syllabus at the expense of our understanding. I was almost reaching my boiling point already but i kept my cool although my face was totally black. It suits nicely with the theme today ; Black Wednesday~!!!

However, this incident served as a reminder for me whereby i should not have taken for granted everything, especially relying so much on the lecturers. I should be gin to take initiatives towards my own learning. Honestly, i really am amazed with Richard as he manages his time so perfectly well. He is able to answer the tutorial questions and at the same time plan his time for assignments as well for his girlfriend. I wish that i am that discipline and focus. Oh well, i will just try to be hardworking from now on.

Good Luck , VINCENT~!!! Fight Hard~!!!